Saturday, June 1, 2013

Expo'18 Responsive Event/ Conference Landing Page

Expo'18 Responsive Event/ Conference Landing Page - Business Corporate

We are proud to present the EXPO’18. It’s a modern, responsive templates for Conference, Event, Training, Exhibition, Workshops and Open Lesson sites.

4 main content blocks of the EXPO’18 (Main info, Agenda, Speakers, Registration) cover all conference-type website’s needs. User-friendly layout, responsive (mobile-friendly) design, registration form and easy MailChimp integration. Also you will get an attractive “ready to action” button, which will provide high conversion rate.

Good news for WP users: WordPress Conference Theme based on EXPO’18.

* Please rate us, like us, ask any questions and follow!

Check out EXPO’18 great features

  • Responsive Layout

  • 6 Custom color styles

  • Cross browser compatibility

  • iPad, iPhone and other mobile devices/phones ready

  • 4 preset content block layout (event theme): Main with news section, Agenda, Speakers, Contact & Registration

  • MailChimp Integration

  • Working PHP /Ajax Contact form

  • Sending data from forms to e-mail or storage in Google.Docs Spreadsheets

  • iScroll for mobile devices

  • Cufon font replacement

  • HTML5 Valid

  • SEO friendly

  • Well Documented Code

  • User support

Check this Great Styles

User tesimonial

“i brought this template and love it good work!” — ryantack89, “Just awesome!” – gluegl, “The landing page is a great teaser. Solid design.” – NWM, “Hi! I Just bought your script. Nice!” — CIECOM.


  • jQuery Formplugins by M. Alsup

  • Cufonby Simo Kinnunen

  • PHP email classby Brent R. Matzelle

  • background-position-animatby Alexander Farkas

  • jQuery Validation Pluginby Jorn Zaefferer

  • Google Docs

  • Google Web Fonts


  • iScrollBy Matteo Spinelli

  • Photo previews: Photodune authors: Yuri_Arcurs , Daniel_Dash (not included)

  • Group of business people: Pressmaster (not included)

Short description in other landguages

  • De landing page van de conferentie, evenementen, activiteiten, masterclasses

  • La page d’atterrissage de la conférence, événements, activités des classes de maître

  • A página de destino da conferência, eventos, atividades, master classes

  • La página de destino de la conferencia, eventos, actividades, clases magistrales

  • La pagina di destinazione della conferenza, eventi, attività, master classi

  • Please check out our recent works!

    Check our landing pages collection

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